Thursday, September 30, 2010

Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence • Fall '10 - Brief #1

Once again we're going highlighting work here on Chocolate Microscope by awarding the bi-weekly Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence. This semester we'll be focused on smart and innovative thinking.

Due to our expanded Account Team, we won't actually be making one select per brief as done previously. Instead it will 2-3 pieces that rise to top of all the work presented.

We saw some great work presented against our first round of briefs, but the two pieces highlighted below really stuck out. Congratulations to this weeks winners.

Client: Tsoundcheck 
Creatives: Jenn Keenan + Tom Gumienny 
Rachel Swarts

Everyone banks, everyone saves wherever they can; an overwhelmingly perfect venue for tsoundcheck. tsoundcheck brings the TSO experience to anyone 35 and younger for less. tsoundcheck is sponsored by TD Canada Trust, we felt that incorporating tsoundcheck on the receipts would be a perfect to show a union between finances (saving) and tsoundcheck. This also allows us to segment the receipts based on the age associated with the account. 


Client: The Walrus 
Creatives: Spencer Henderson + Katie Midghall 
Accounts: Samantha Porter

Our insight into our client “The Walrus” was that its readers were intellectual, modern day renaissance men and women who love to be engaged in current day issues. We wanted to engage our target and challenge their intellectual side. The banner focuses on an issue, like politics, and allows them to speak their opinion in response. Once submitted, their opinion is transferred elsewhere on a digital screen, eventually forming the image. It literally displays their opinion making up the all angles of the issues. This shows the target that when you read the Walrus, you are a part of a intellectual community. 

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