Monday, March 8, 2010

Grad strikes gold and becomes the hunted

We've spent a lot of time talking about finding that 'big idea'. Since a great campaign isn't just a series of ads that kinda sorta sit together, but instead a series of ads/communication pieces that are woven together with a big idea - a unifying concept that transcends media.

A perfect example of that comes to us in the form of the winning entry for the 2009 YoungGuns competition from Andrew Livingston - a graduate from this very program. The brief was simple: create the call for entries for YoungGuns 2010. Andrew, along with fellow john st. creatives Kyle Lamb and Omid Amid, submitted an entry called 'Become the Hunted'.

It's an idea so strategically sound AND creativly rich that you instantly know what it's all about just by looking at the name. It conjures up dark horror movie-esqe images of creatives on the run after winning the 2010 competition. Simply brilliant. 

'Become the Hunted' will incorporate a website, video content, social media, print & DM, and the idea will be carried through into the credits of the 2010 Winners & Finalists Reel.
If you haven't already you should check out YoungGuns so you too can become the hunted (see how that works?). In addition to this annual competition, they also offer YG of the Month which presents an opportunity to submit the best work from your portfolio.


  1. We've had YG of the Month winners before: Don Connell & Naeem Walji from the 09 grad class. It's a great tag to throw on a book piece. And there's some great work coming out of the Studio class, so we should get it out there. Did you do at least one great piece this month? Of course!
    (Also: while you're in there submitting stuff, check out the other winners.)

  2. Thanks for the shout out Brendan.

    I wish i could show you all the stuff, but Young Guns have made it clear that they will break my legs if i do.
